A planning application for 21 turbines was submitted to Powys County Council in 2010 following extensive studies of the site and surrounding context and after a lengthy iterative design process. Over the years, the application has been through a few amendments as a result of consultation through the planning process with statutory consultees. This has resulted in a scheme that now proposes 11 turbines and a maximum rated capacity of 37.95MW.
Following the submission of revised proposals in 2023 and additional information relating to noise, ecology, heritage and other matters relevant to the application, the Welsh Ministers received a call-in request on 1 June 2023. In a letter dated 5 October 2023, the direction was issued that the application be determined by Welsh Minsters largely on the basis that the proposed development meets the Development of National Significance (DNS) criteria and it raises issues of more than local importance. As part of this call-in, the appointed Inspector has requested further information relating to ecology.
Further information has been submitted in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023 with more information related to ecology required to be submitted in 2024/25 to progress the appointed Inspector’s determination of the application.